- In my project, I have one .csv file and I load csv file into SQL server tables where SQL server table column have some time NVARCHAR(which include special character) columns
- Some time it got some special character in my table column (ex. In my alphanumeric employee code have ‘#’ or ‘?/’), I need to replace all special character with no space
- I have option with replace function to remove unwanted space but it seems I need write series of replace function.
SELECT REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE(@str, '/', '' ), '#', '' ));
- I need to create dynamic function which replaces all special character with no space.
SET @str =
SELECT PATINDEX( '%[~,@,#,$,%,&,*,(,)]%', @str )
WHILE PATINDEX( '%[~,@,#,$,%,&,*,(,)]%', @str ) > 0
SET @str = Replace(REPLACE( @str, SUBSTRING( @str, PATINDEX( '%[~,@,#,$,%,&,*,(,)]%',
@str ), 1 ),''),'-',' ')
- Above query we can also convert into SQL function to return no space string value.
- More about PATINDEX (Ref. Link)
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